My 10 Picture Tour

I have been procrastinating putting this together, but found a few minutes to do this post.  Below is my 10 picture tour of Montmartre School in Montmartre, Saskatchewan Canada.  My thanks to Cale and Brian for the idea and passing it along.  Cale’s original post is here.

A view from the street.  The melt is on!

The bench in the front lobby.  All students and staff made tiles for this bench, with the help of an artist.

A friend of mine did the sign above the bench in the lobby.

Our Playground Leaders program banner.

Some elementary artwork displayed.

The new daycare in our building.

Awards from MANY years.  I’ve thought about cleaning some out, but I still catch people looking at these for names.

Practical and Applied Arts Lab

The multi-purpose room.  Band, dance, etc. are taught here.

Our purpose.

    • K Tripp
    • April 17th, 2011

    Great tour; I loved the melting snow 🙂 I understand about the 12 pic; there is so much to share and hard to stick to 10 pics!

  1. And I had to change to ten! A couple of pics. did not post too well, so I had to change.

    Thx for stopping by and enjoy your Sunday.


    • C Bryant
    • April 17th, 2011


  2. I too think this was a great idea. I just completed mine last week. I have never been to your town, but feel compelled now to look for some more information about it.

    • murcha
    • April 26th, 2011

    I love this idea of a pictorial tour in 10 images. I wonder whether it might be an interesting exercise to give to students to see what they would come up with. Thanks for sharing.

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