Your Input Is Welcome

I will be leading a presentation at the TnT Conference in Bismarck, ND on June 7th. My focus will be how school admins. can participate, lead and build culture in their schools using technology.

Since I only have 60 minutes, I will focus on a few tools admins. can use on a regular basis. My choices include Twitter, Google Reader/docs, YouTube, TED, and Voicethread. Most importantly, I believe we must discuss the reasons for using these tools:

> to increase student engagement.
> to promote collaboration.
> to enable teachers and students to connect and share knowledge from around the world .
>to enable people – especially in professional development and creating PLN’s.

Above all I look forward to the knowledge I will gain from the session participants and the conference in general.

If you have a cool tool or something you want to share regarding tech. and leadership, just leave a comment or email me – Twitter/Skype: @bircherd

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